From Cara, mom to Paz, born December 2012

Charli n Paz
Charli n Paz

My homebirth with Christy Santoro was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. After having the great experience of giving birth naturally to my first child, Lucia, at 34 weeks in a hospital, I felt especially lucky to have been able to carry my second child, Paz, full-term, and to give birth to her at 39 weeks in the comfort and safety of my home. The night before the birth, after having been on modified bedrest for six weeks, I realized that - sooner than later - I needed to go back in to work for a couple hours to wrap some things up. My husband, Charlie, and I went on a date afterwards (our last for quite awhile!), and after filling my already full belly with two huge bowls of noodle soup, the walk home was pretty challenging. Finally made it home after several rest stops, watched a thriller (of all things), then at 4 am, my water broke. When I called Christy, she said "Happy Labor Day!", (which warmed my heart), told me to go back to sleep (yeah right!), and by sunrise, the contractions started picking up in intensity.

luci n cara
luci n cara

We called Christy again, plus our sisterfriend/doula, and "sibling doula" for Lucia, filled up the birthing pool, and waited to greet our guests. After Christy, her assistant, and the doulas arrived, the contractions started to slow down, and thank goodness that Christy gently encouraged me to stop playing hostess and start birthing our baby! They gave me and my husband a whole lot of space and privacy in the birthing pool (the water was so soothing!), kept me hydrated and fed, and with some massage, position suggestions, acupressure, and lots of love, Paz finally emerged into the world.

Paz & Lucia having fun.
Paz & Lucia having fun.

Throughout the prenatal and birthing process, and post-partum, I felt so well cared for, respected, and doused with love. While I believe that all things happen as they do for a reason, I know that I carried Paz full-term and had a safe birth very much due to Christy's amazing expertise and wisdom. I will cherish her and my doulas forever!